“As close to flawless folk-bluegrass as it gets.” —Billboard Magazine (about Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, two-time Grammy® Award-winners with14 nominations!)
The first thing I must say about Marcy is that she is an uncommonly caring human being. Indeed, Marcy Marxer’s talents and accomplishments speak volumes about her musical mastery, but if they gave out a Grammy for Best HB (Human Being) it would be a toss-up between Marcy and her partner, Cathy Fink. The joy of music pumps through Marcy’s veins and we get the benefit of her fully fed heart. I could site her enduring support of her long-time friend, Grace Griffith, (currently living with Parkinson’s) as only one example among a multitude of how she supports her friends and her community. I am grateful that her role in Glass Half Full is another. —Irene Young
MARCY MARXER is a multi-instrumentalist, studio musician, performer, songwriter and producer with 30 years of experience and a shelf of impressive awards. She has played acoustic music on Emmy Award winning National Geographic specials, platinum shipping Eva Cassidy CD’s and on over 50 recordings and instructional materials created with her partner, Cathy Fink.
Marcy’s guitar playing spans a variety of styles- swing rhythm and lead, bluegrass, old time, celtic fingerpicking, folk fingerpicking and some of the most tasteful backup you can hear. The C.F. Martin Co. has honored Marcy with her very own signature model guitar, the MC3H which she helped design. Flatpick Guitar Magazine called Marcy “one of the country’s top Western style guitar players”. She also plays mandolin, bouzouki, hammered dulcimer, Latin percussion, banjos, pennywhistle and flutes and of course, the beloved ukulele.
The fun-loving Marcy is all about connecting music and people. She teaches locally when she is not on tour. She has also created a super-fun international online network for lovers of the mighty ukulele, Ukulele Social Club. She also teaches Swing Guitar and Ukulele for Guitar Players at www.truefire.com/marcy. There you can either download her amazing lessons, or join her online classroom for a more personal interaction and feedback. And she has many courses at Homespun Tapes for the guitar player, ukulele lover or harmony singer of all ages. Marcy has built a large following at top music camps such as Steve Kaufman’s Acoustic Camp, Mars Hill, Woods Camp, etc. Check out her ukulele lessons online on YouTube and you can also see her incredible cello banjo playing there.
In the fall of 2012, Marcy joined The Four Bitchin’ Babes for their season of touring. She holds her own in the comedy department and brings the electric guitar, mandolin, ukulele and pennywhistle to the show. No need to worry, she is willing to be twice as busy, touring with the Babes and continuing her prolific writing, recording, producing and touring relationship with Cathy Fink. Yes, she can do it all. One fun-lovin’ gal with talent in all 10 fingers and a heart of gold to accompany them!