The video I produced with Laurelin Remington-Wolf, about the making of Jennifer Berezan’s In These Arms, a Song for All Beings, has been viewed over 350,000 times on YouTube. You can view on the Irene Young YouTube channel. I have, perhaps, photographed Jennifer more times than anyone. It’s hard to say, but she is definitely in contention for holding the record. Jennifer is one of the most respected musicians I have had the honor to watch grow. She is just at home as a singer-songwriter as she is producing a huge 2 hour long chant production inviting her musical friends from around the world. But don’t let her producer abilities mesmerize you so much that you overlook her as a master songwriter. Just listen to Refuge, the song I chose for Glass Half Full is entitled Refuge. And the songs keep coming. Check out her singer-songwriter CDs, as well as her chant CDs. Jennifer also wrote the amazing song, Turning of the Wheel, which is on Glass Half Full performed by the Chris Webster. As for Jennifer, you would be hard pressed to find a better human being. And her music inspires us all to be better, too. I am infinitely grateful for Jennifer in my life. —Irene Young

I keep one eye on the future,
my ear to the ground,
and I take refuge in that holy sound.
—Jennifer Berezan

From Jennifer’s Website:
JENNIFER BEREZAN is a unique blend of singer/ songwriter, producer, and activist. Over the course of ten albums, she has developed and explored recurring themes with a rare wisdom. Her most recent project was the premiere performance of Song for All Beings, A Celebration of Lovingkindness. This musical meditation featured an extraordinary gathering of musicians, dancers, activists, visual artists and spiritual teachers from around the world. Based on the acclaimed recording, In These Arms, A Song for All Beings, this unique event builds on Jennifer’s past visionary and beloved performances, such as Praises for the World. Song for all Beings is a participatory musical journey to evoke peace, healing and unity for the earth and all beings.